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Mechanical integrated multi-function test 

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Mechanical integrated multi-function test bed: static and dynamic mechanical-electronic integrated test bed
Static and dynamic mechanical-electronic integrated test bed
KRN-4-mechanical integrated test bed
1. Functional Test Stand on
  The test bed for experimental mechanics provides a multi-function experimental platform, the Taiwan-straight beam bending, bending beam intensity, and so, the combination of bending and torsion and pure reversed, and tensile and compressive deformation and dynamic six-impact beams and integrated device , which combined multi-experimental equipment. Using Test-bed modular load transmission lever, spiral continuous loading. Load, displacement sensors and strain signal amplification multi-channel test system, the analog-digital conversion, by computer processing, soft-panel operation, achieving digital testing functions with dynamic and static test, the test bed is the leading domestic.
 The test bed has opened the mechanical composition of the various types of experiments for various functions and composition of the basic skills test the function of the test-bed of the 18 major projects can be set up experiments, and each of the experiments can be designed to accomplish a variety of experimental program Most pilot project for the design and synthesis experiment.
Test-bed appearance plans

This test bed can be set up pilot projects
(1) is pure bending stress test (confirmatory)
(2) are stacked beam bending stress test (integrated)
(3) Determination of material elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio (Design)
(4) straight beam bending experiment (confirmatory)
(5) Application of experimental measurement Bridge (confirmatory)
(6) deflection measurement experiment (Design)
(7) strain gage calibration experiment sensitive few (confirmatory)
(8) Determination of principal stress strain spent experiment (Design)
(9) Determination of a single experiment internal forces (designing)
(10) stretch bending deformation experiment portfolio (Design)
(11) tension and compression deformation experiment (confirmatory)
(12) combination of bending and torsion deformation experiment (Design)
(13) Static Experimental measurement uncertainty Circle (Design)
(14) Pressure Bar stability Experiment (confirmatory)
(15), and other dynamic strain measurement beam intensity (integrated)
(16) Fixed Charge coefficient of determination Experiment (integrated)
(17) transient response experiments (integrated)
(18) steady-state experimental dynamic stress (integrated)


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